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Atmosphere, the spheres of the sky.


Ahh... looking at the sky on a sunny day, great isnt it? what you donbt know is that your staring at your hero, the one who gives you breath to breath, the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is made up of five uniqe layers that all have diffrent purposes. These layers include (from bottom layer to top) the troposphere,

the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and last of all... the exosphere. Starting at the troposphere (where people live) and ending with the exosphere (where astronauts live). Even though some spheres seem useless (i agree) there all very important.

Here im going to list the features of each atmosphere sphere.

1. Troposphere- Wether occurs here. have lots of rain? blame troposphere

2. Stratosphere- planes fly here. the true place over the rainbow.

Mesosphere- meteors burn here. nobody likes getting hit with a 1k mph flaming rock. right?

Termosphere- aruara borialis. thos green lights in movies that people question the existence of.

Exosphere- uppermost sphere. your phone texts come from here.

fun facts

-The atmosphere takes sun rays and holds them so we can live

-gasses in the atmosphere insulate us from bad gasses  and keep in sun rays

-humans interact with the troposphere

-the stratosphere has the ozone in it

- a way to remember the spheres is E.T.M.S.T-eavery tater makes small tots.

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