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Welcome all... to the many spheres of our home planet, Earth

 Hello There! And welcome to... (Drumroll) Spheres! No no not a circle, not a ball, simply a thing! Or... MANY things! there are a lot you dont know about your beloved circles. And one thing is that were not talking about an actual sphere! (I guess the cryosphere could be a snowball...(ha ha) ANYway.

Back to the point. There are many spheres of the Earth.

Ill list them here.

First theres the atmosphere.

I know what your thinking. "but i already know everything abou- I think not! theres alot about the atmosphere that people dont know. (For example is that the mesosphere is where meteors burn up). well get to that later.

the other spheres are the hydrosphere, the biosphere, the cryosphere, and last of all, the geosphere, all these spheres interact in a way. (well explain later). Until then, Enjoy!

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